Home Insurance & Other Structures

Example of an outbuilding or other structure covered by homeowners insurance

Your homeowners policy consists of many parts. Coverage A is for your dwelling, C is for contents, D pays if you’ve lost the use of your home, and there is a whole section on liability, too. This article deals specifically with Coverage B – Other Structures. Please, pull your policy right now and look at…

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Whose Tree is it Anyways?

Tree Fell on House

Tree Damage and Neighbor Disputes Have you ever looked out a side window of your home and noticed a large, looming tree? Have you ever wondered what would happen if the wind blew the right speed and direction to tear one of those limbs off and crashing down on your home? This is a particularly…

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Brand New Car Totaled: Ouch

Buying a new car (or even an expensive used car) can be very exciting. It is a big investment, though. You’ll need to count on that new car for probably many years! What if were gone tomorrow?! Not to bring you down from the cloud that you’re on after a new purchase… but you should…

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Home damage: To claim or not to claim?

Stressed out over deciding whether or not to make homeowners claim

There are several factors to consider before turning in a homeowners insurance claim. Here are some key factors to keep in mind: First and foremost, is the damage covered? Your policy is the master source here but it’s easy to start with a couple of simple questions: Second, consider the severity of the damage: Consider…

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Paying nothing can be a rip off!

This is a true story. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. A customer wanted to help her friend “Sara” to purchase a car. During the purchase process, Sara’s credit was so bad and finances were so tight the only way Sara could get the car would be to put it in “Carla’s”…

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