Commercial Auto
When using your car in business, you have to worry about all the same things as your personal use... plus a lot more! While the major coverage features are the same, a business auto policy differs from the personal auto policy in many technical respects. Have a conversation with you agent so you're sure you understand the differences and have all the coverage you are expecting
General Liability
One of the scariest facts of life regarding business is the chance of getting sued. That possibility has steadily increased from decade to decade you should be completely aware of a) how or for what you might get sued and b) that there is almost certainly liability protection that you can buy to defend you and to pay in the event that you are found negligent.
This can obviously get complicated and finding the answers is as easy as calling your agent. Sit down with one of ours today and tell him/her everything.
Property and Tools
You need a lot of tools and often a location to be successful in most businesses. Protecting the property from storm damage or even break-ins should be a no brainer. Are you sure you have the right coverage? What about for your tools and the other business property that you need to run your company?
It can all be covered and it's more affordable than you think. Sit down with us and we'll show you how Kelly Insurance can protect your business and add value by giving you peace of mind that everything will be just fine...